Annual Oil & Chip Seal Program

The City of Jerseyville Street Department, in combination with a private contractor, completes an annual oil & chip seal program, typically in the month of September, weather-permitting.

A list of affected streets is published for each year’s program a few weeks prior to the work. No parking is allowed on the affected streets from 7:00AM to 6:00PM, and residents in these areas experience short-term street closures, traffic/biking/walking delays, blocked driveways, and potential garbage collection delays.

Access is provided in the event of emergencies only.

The contractor installs a layer of oil and a layer of small rock. There is short-term dust and some loose rock on the street after placement, which the City sweeps-up at a later date on an as-needed basis.

For several weeks prior to the actual oil & chip seal process, City crews complete preparatory work on the affected streets – grading along edges, patching, ditch cleaning – so some of the roadway areas are in rough condition between the time of prep work and oil/chip seal work.

Detailed information on the annual program is posted to the City website under “STREET CLOSURES”.